Sample Docs
- The PDF versions have "blanks" where you can handwrite information.
- Remember to add a "Remove" date, and not too far in the future; fliers w/o a remove data tend to get removed quickly.
Bottom line:
Find a school near you - we can help.
Get familiar with the Sports Club Handbook - rules to
become a sports club
Fill out some paperwork
Get enough students to sign up
Go to the few required meetings
Getting Started
Table of Contents
1 Summary. 1
2 Goal 2
3 Steps. 3
4 Example
~ Fresno State. 4
5 Free Money!. 5
We need a student leader and/or an adult to show up
regularly, say once a week, to
Post fliers,
Meet and greet students who are playing,
Offer tips and tricks,
Encourage showing up to the Club Nights to meet new people and
having more fun.
You will show up at least one night a week for the first two months of
school, play some racqueball, have fun, give tips and tricks, and based on the students introduce skills and practice routines.
Start a Racquetball Sports Club. A Sports Club
is an officially recognized group within the school, is key to building a
program and growing the sport, and the official recognition provides many
benefits from the school. Club Sport requirements vary across schools, but
generally speaking ...
About 10 students to sign up for the club.
Designate students to be President, Vice President, and
One of the club leaders will need to attend an orientation
meeting at the start of the year.
A key step is that the program be student-led. That
is, the Sports Club director will likely require a student leader in any emails,
meetings, and to complete the process of registering for Sports Club status.
Motivation for the student: This will look great on your resume.
NOTE: This can be any student, they don't necessarily
need to a racquetball player, just willing to step up and help, and have
something great to add to their resume.
1. Find
on the Internet school(s) in your area.
2. For
a given school, find the Sports Club web site, and the Sports Club Handbook.
3. Read
the Sports Club Handbook, complete any required forms. A big component will be
getting the 10 or so students to sign up to be a part of the club.
4. Identify
and attend any required meeting(s), and submit the completed paperwork.
5. Create
a flier - see samples - and post around the courts, recreation areas, and
common campus areas. You will likely need to get the fliers approved for
posting, or they will be taken down within a day or two; adding a "Remove by
<date>" is a very good idea to keeping the flier posted as long as
6. Show
up one or two nights a week, for the first month or two, to corral as many
students a possible into the club - or even just showing up for club nights.
Once the club is up and running, you can minimize your time if necessary.
7. We
run three collegiate tourneys a year, so we are looking for that student-leader
and/or adult to advertise, encourage, and round up students to attend the
8. The
Sports Club Handbook may require the following information
That "The Club must be affiliated with a national or regional
governing body" ...
That would be ...
which operates under the USOC
(United States Olympic Committee)
and more specifically:
and then "The Club must be affiliated with a league and/or conference"
- that's the
WCRC conference:
Here's a start ...
- You will need to get familiar
with the club sports handbook; see below.
- You will need to meet with the
club sports director to get the paperwork for being a "club
sport" ... Hopefully you can find that online and start filling it
out ...
I can't seem to readily find online the name and contact info for the
person who oversees club sports; hopefully you can find that out; see
links below.
- Typically, you will need to get
10 or so students to sign up to be in the club.
- There will be at least one
formal meeting with the club sports director and all the prospective club
sport presidents. You _must_ attend these meeting(s).
- Bottom line: some paperwork,
rules to be familiar with, get enough students to sign up, go to the
required meetings ... Might sound like a lot, but once you get familiar w/
the handbook, it's "just" some paperwork and a few
This all looks great on your resume.
Web Pages ...
If you can go to a college or university, one night a week or so, and send us a few photos with fliers posted, we will cover the cost to access the facilities (e.g., membership fee) up to $50 / month.
That's a free membership! Well, sort of free money ;) but you're really helping out!